Beginning Classes at AKT

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We love our class!

We love our class!

Dancing fun!

Dancing fun!

Brandon and Dr Jodi playing the "gift-giving" game

Brandon and Dr Jodi playing the “gift-giving” game

Learning a "crocodile" dance!

Learning a “crocodile” dance!



Julian doing Charades

Julian doing Charades

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Jenna loves to pose!

Jenna loves to pose!

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Miss Janie singing along

Miss Janie singing along

Brandon clapping a beat

Brandon clapping a beat

Malka and Julian doing some improv!

Malka and Julian doing some improv!


The whole class busting a move!

The whole class busting a move!


We love Cody's smile!

We love Cody’s smile!


Malka loving the story

Malka loving the story

Miss Beth telling a tale

Miss Beth telling a tale

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Dance party!

Dance party!


Listening to Miss Mia at the Piano

Listening to Miss Mia at the Piano

Jenna Plays the Drums

Jenna Plays the Drums

Aralynn Plays the Tambourine

Aralynn Plays the Tambourine

Rhythm time with Miss Jen

Rhythm time with Miss Jen

Playing the Piano

Playing the Piano